The Micro Roasting Difference

At Pine Valley Coffee Company we are dedicated to bringing you the freshest coffee for life's adventures. This of course begins with sourcing the finest coffee beans from reputable coffee farms around the globe. What you may not know is that the way we roast the coffee beans ensures you get the freshest and most consistent coffee imaginable.

quality over quantity

Our Meticulous Approach

We are micro-roasters, which means we only roast 7 pounds of coffee at a time. This sets us apart from the bigger brands who may roast up to 500 pounds at a time. While this may be more labor intensive for us in the short term, the advantage of micro-roasting is better quality control over each batch because it’s easier to visually detect and remove defective beans when starting the roasting process. The result from our meticulous approach is you get more consistent and higher quality flavor.

micro roasting difference

The Details Matter

Industrial roasters roast in large batches and don’t have the same granular control over the quality of the roast due to the sheer volume of coffee beans in the roasting drum. This is due to the larger volume of beans which restrict air flow while the simultaneous increase in surface area of beans in direct contact with the sides of the drum hot metal drum lead to an inconsistent roast.

bean details

"By roasting in smaller batches we ensure each origin of bean gets roasted to their highest potential." 

Quality Over Quantity

Many of our coffees are multiple roasts blended together in proprietary ratios to create unique flavor profiles. By roasting in smaller batches we ensure each origin of bean gets roasted to their highest potential. That’s why we choose to use a “bagged on date” rather than a “roasted on date” because the blends tend to be roasted on different days while our single-origin coffees come from the same coffee bean. The other benefit of roasting in small batches is that all of our coffee gets roasted and delivered to our customers within the same week.

We are passionate about bringing you the freshest coffee for life's adventures.